Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Not only did I survive the 5 days of being down (coming out of chemo) I've felt better the last 5 days than I've felt in I don't know when. How can you feel "down" when you wake up and smell the flowers, in fall? How can you not celebrate when you get to see or talk to your some of your kids and grandkids everyday? When you can get and receive a hug from your wife? When your friends or people you work for call and ask you to solve problems for you?
Let me tell you about my last four days. Friday afternoon Lynda and I jumped on an airplane and went to Albuquerque. Saturday morning, at 6 AM found us waiting for the pilot to blow our balloon up and by 8 away we went in a hot air balloon. Angie, my #2 daughter had purchased Lynda and I a ride. (It was for Lynda's birthday and I got to go along!) Angie went, also. What a thrill skimming across the skies and being able to watch about 500 other balloons launch. You can't describe it, other that fantastic. We did clip a barb wire fence when we landed because our pilot ran out of gas, but who cares, we made it safely. Satuday night we went to a "pre party" that my sister and her husband put on to celebrate the coming marriage of their son. And then Sunday we attended the wedding. What a celebration. Then Sunday evening, back home. The only "hiccup" in the weekend was that the suitcase caring my "formula" for my feeding tube decided it didn't want to come with us on the same flight. But, thank God, it jumped on the next one and we avoided a crisis. The Lord knows what He's doing, don't you know!
Today, Tuesday, I start my fourth round (in this second phase) of chemo. Already looking forward to those days after my "5 in" and my "5 out" days. I know I'm going to feel even better after this round and will only have 2 more rounds to go. Oh, I forgot to mention that yesterday I had oatmeal for breakfast and then for lunch I went to a Mexican food restruant and ordered an enchilada. Opened it up, ate all the chili and the taco meat and none of it came up last night. Milestone! Wish me blessings (I've got all the luck I can stand)! Keep my pals Jimmie D and Gary C in your prayers. Lynda is still my Rock and will be forever. The Lord is Great. Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Back from a great October trip to NY. Rode on trains, planes and automobiles, but we didn't soar in a balloon. What fun that must be, but I am too scared to find out myself.

    Good news about the food staying put where it should. You are a wonder and Lynda, too.

    Attended yesterday the memorial for Don Moreland in Levelland. About ten of our '55 classmates were there.

    Leighton, continue to be strong and positive, but hey, it is in your DNA to be both.

    Love always, Grace
