Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just celebrated my "four month anniversary" of the surgery (and the accompanying chemo and rads) and it feels great. Still learning (and relearning) things as I go. Know that I must eat at least four times a day (really, five) in order to keep up my strength but I get "busy" and don't do it. Consequently, I run out of steam and don't get done what I should do, or not get it done to the level that I really want. If I use my feeding tube at night it gives me a head start the next AM, if I don't then I have no choice but to eat correctly. So here's what I've got to start right now. Use my tube every night (for now) and then begin to create my correct habit of eating and then start backing off the tube. Sounds easy so I'll do it. The challenge of eating still is that I can only eat about 3/4 of a regular serving and then food gets to not tasting good and I feel full. Forcing myself to eat more at a setting just upsets my food processing area and then I really don't want to eat. Now, I'm not complaining, mind you, just stating the facts --- and mainly for those coming behind me with this same challenge to know that this sort of thing happens! Rest assured, I can do what I want to do, it's just how I feel afterwards that I can control --- if I eat right. Worked the polls last Tuesday from 7 to 4:30 (I did sit some when there was a lull in the action) but let me tell you, I went home and went to sleep early and missed my guy's victory party.
Can't begin to tell you all how much I appreciate your prayers. Could not have made it without you.
Lynda continues to be right by my side every step of the way and encourages me beyond belief. I can't imagine what it would be like to not have family and friends. Without them one would have no life, but that's sure not my case.
Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Since I am one who doesn't eat at regular intervals, I sympathize with your regime of having to eat often and correctly. Seems simple, but it requires discipline and planning.

    You always have so much on your "plate," figuratively speaking, that stopping to eat might be a bit of a drag, but if your health depends on it, better stick to the plan.

    I served as an election clerk on Tuesday and it wore me out!! So I am in awe that you spent much of Tuesday helping folks vote.

    You know, Leighton, you are REALLY somthing! And yes, ditto for Lynda!

    With admiration and love, Grace
