Sunday, January 31, 2010

Team, if you think that "clear biopsies" mean the end of the Blog, think again. This journey ain't over! I've been advised that I will checked every three months for the next year. And, I swear it's gonna take me that long to "come to an agreement with my Food Processing Area." (Which is the new name for my "stomach.") The FPA and I continue to have a running discussion on what, how much, when and whether it wants. If I don't get it "right" my gut knots up and stays that way, generally, until I go to bed that night. I can keep on doing whatever I want or need to do but it's sure unpleasant. And, at night (if I miss the right mix) it wakes me every two hours asking for something to settle it down. It's not really all that bad except you never feel completely rested. I did sleep about 7 hours in a row last week but I didn't remember the combination that allowed me to do it. Now I'm paying more attention. Talked with a coupla of my other "Cancer Buddies" and we have agreed that the "completley rested" feel goes away when you start chemo and radiation and none of us have made it back to that plateau yet. But, we are as a team, working back there.
I did find out something about myself when I got the (currently) clear message. I just thought I was a "roll with the punches" kinda guy. Just take whatever was thrown at me and travel on. But, no! When I got that message it shook me. I wasn't prepared for it. It took me three days to process it, even tho "clear" is not forever, I could not accept it for me. Not that I didn't want it but I dang sure didn't expect it. Would you call that lack of faith? Maybe it was me dealing with that lack of faith, which I thought I had --- and found out that I didn't. Well, I've since asked the Lord to forgive me for my unbelief and am traveling on to what He has for me to do next.
God is good --- and now I realize it more than ever!


  1. Don't tell me you do not have faith. I have seen it at work for the past 7 months. As I have said before you are my amazing husband. Love you, Lynda

  2. Sometime I pray, using the words from Mark 9:24 . . . "Lord, I believe; help Thou my unbelief." And this from the father of a son whom Jesus was about to heal.

    We are mere mortals who do not see clearly nor know what the future holds. God understands and loves us through times of faith and of doubt. It is the paradox of being human.

    Blessings on you, who, like all of us, live in faith and struggle with doubt. Faith seem to be on the upswing in your life which gives hope to your many friends, in particular to me, that we can follow your example when the road gets rocky.

    Always, Grace

  3. Glad to hear the blog is not over!!!

    By the way, I refer to my stomach as the S.C. M.D. (Stationary Chamber for Matter Disintegration)
