Wednesday, January 20, 2010

With the top of each mountain you reach there's always a challenge to get to the next one. Got my taste bud back. Food tastes good, however, Mr. (3/4) Stomach decides what, when and how much it wants. Mr. S decides, after I've eaten, how to punish me for not checking with him before I ate. He knots up my gut. He keeps me from sleeping. And, when I do sleep, he sends me the most unusual dreams, so when I "sleep" I don't rest. Get up the next morning and I'm dragging, plus, the next time I sit down to eat I look at the food trying to determine the trouble it will cause me rather than how much strength it can give me. Not a good thing. After 10 days of wrestling with Mr. Stomach, he and I came to an agreement yesterday. I fed him 5 times --- small portions and kinda bland --- and he let me sleep all night. I did drink some Aloe Herbal Stomach Formula before I went to bed. Sleep all night. First time in about four months. God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Leighton, I guess for almost every problem, there is a solution if one is diligent in the pursuit. I hope and pray that you and Mr."S" have reached a peace settlement with the new eating regimen.

    Only a few times in my life has sleep eluded me, and wow, the nights of tossing, turning and finally getting up grew long and weary. My your nights be restful and may your days be long, dear friend.

    Love, Grace
