Sunday, August 8, 2010

Things that come to you: As I've always heard, "Life is like a roller coaster. You've got your ups and downs and twists and you don't know when they will come." Well, I've determined that when you get "older" your life is like tire on a car. "Sometimes you are at the top, freewheeling it, and sometimes you're at the bottom with the weight of the world on you, but there are two other times (because you know where you're going) that you are contemplating on how to deal with the phase you are fastly approaching." Hey, growing "older" ain't bad! The Lord has been working with me, hasn't He? Lord I love Lynda


  1. You are becoming a bit of a philosopher in a folksy kind of way. I like the image of life as a tire on a vehicle.

    Tom and I spent most of last Thursday outside in Washington, D.C., and there was a heat warning, with high humidity to boot. When we finally finished touring the monuments and Arlington Cemetery, I was a flat tire, for sure.

    However, after a nice late lunch under air conditioning and a cooling afternoon shower, my tire got aired up enough to show Tom the Library of Congress.

    Aging is a new experience, but yes, it "ain't bad." At least most of the time.

    Love ya', Grace

  2. Just checking in on you, dear friend - Hoping to hear how you are & about the wedding. I'm sure it was as beautiful as your prayer blessing to the happy couple. Am thinking of you & sending good thoughts as you continue with this business of getting well. I appreciate your thougtful writing & glad you're willing to share your experiences as you travel this journey - I know you'll have an update when you're rested from the trip.
    Sending loving prayers to you & Lynda!
