Thursday, August 19, 2010

What a wedding! What a wonderful time. Lynda and I left to go to DC last Wednesday. We got off the plane and the weather was just under 90 degrees. Until Monday, when we stepped back on the plane, the temp never got higher than that. And that was only the beginning. Thursday night we had a barbeque at my daughter and son in laws home. That morning we got about and inch of rain and then it cleared off. That evening she had six round tables and sixty chairs delivered for the yard and the patio. (Their home will handle thirtyish inside) and there were about ninety invited. Party was to start at 7. Well, at 6:30 the sky opened up again. For the next hour it rained. Two inches. At 7:30 it stopped. We gave the guests that had arrived towels and they dried the tables and chairs, put the table cloths on the table and at 11 that night you would have never known it had rained. 60 people in the yard and all the rest on the patio and in the house. So, you could tell it was going to be a blessed weekend.
I will share more on the "rest of the story" in my next blog.
Lynda and I prepared for the trip trying to learn how to keep me going as long as I needed to each day, and she did a great job. Everything I needed to participate in I was able to do so, with gusto I might add. Now, let me tell you, we had Sunday afternoon off and we watched the last round of the PGA, sometimes thru our eyelids and then slept on the way home, and then did much of the same when we got home Monday. So, I was ready to start the second round of the second phase of chemo yesterday. Since I've done that protocole once I kinda know what to expect so I'm not just "getting sick" because they say it could happen. This time I'm letting it "come and get me" if it so desires and right now it hasn't, thank the Lord.
Next time, Friday at the wedding. Love you all and God is good. Plus, how does one make it down the journeys without a wonder caregiver? I don't know and am not gonna try. Lynda is the delight of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Just back from Taos last night after a week of drama with our daughter. Oh well, that's a part of life. Glad the wedding went well and that you were able to enjoy the events and give the prayer of blessing for grand daughter and husband.

    Now rest up, do the chemo, fight the cancer and put it all in God's hands.

    Congratulations to you, Lynda and your entire family on the addition of a new grand son-in-law!

    Peace and prayers, dear friend, Grace
