Thursday, July 15, 2010

Round Two started: Wow, did I have mixed emotions about yesterday! First, "You can't finish if you don't get started!" And Second, "How the heck is this gonna all play out?"
Tuesday, I felt like heck, just thinking about starting chemo again (Bah Humbug) and then again knowing, as my good friend Karen Watson sez, "Chemo is a thousand warriors of God fighting Cancer under God's direction." Let me tell you, my faith waned on Wednesday morning. My tail was dragging but off I went. Had a great visit with my Doc. Got started with two infusions about 11 AM, walked out of the infusion center about 3:30 PM, then my Home Health Care Nurse arrived at 4:30 to hook me up to and new pump that I carry around for the next 96 hours. Created me a way to hook both my new infusion pump and my nightly feeding tube pump on my "tree" so I can just roll around the house. Will be unhooked (for 10 days) from the chemo and then we do it again. Right now, 12 hours into this deal, I rolling on. (Obviously learning how to adjust so I can sleep.) As the HHNurse pulled the stuff out of the box she handed me all these gloves and scrub looking clothes. She sez, "In case you rupture that line, cut off the flow, put on the gloves and scrubs and begin to clean what ever spilled out and call us. That fluid is radioactive!" Pardon me, I sez! "In only 6 years have I only know of two instances of that happening.", she sez. Makes for good thinking every time you turn over, don't you know!
But now that I have the 1000 warriors working away and I have my two lines coming from the tree Velcroed together I'm in great shape. Think I'll have a coupla more ice chips and go back to bed!
Still can't eat but my Indo doc will do a dilation on my esophagus/stomach area July 22, three days before my 75 birthday party and maybe I'll get to eat a bit! Hooray!
Enough for now, Love you all, Pray for Lynda and God is Good


  1. You and your 1000 chemo warriors fight on, dear friend. When you wane, as would be human, lean on the 1000 friend praying and pulling for you. (That may be be a low estimate.)

    Damn, I am sorry you are having to do all this.

    One of the "One Thousand," Grace

  2. Hang in there you are at 2 3/4 miles on this 4 mile run. I love you, Lynda
