Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not a bad day.Started on a clear diet today. Food (liquid) now tastes close to the same. Drank about half of what they broght me, both times, which turned out to be good. But, I had to request "plastic ware." Regular old flatware turned my mouth to "tin" tasting. My stomach is still trying to figure out what's happening. Tomorrow I get to start "walking about." Each day, new milestones. Energy level moves up each day. One thing I will miss, when I go home, is that sometime each day pain decides to "pay a visit." When that happens I just call the nurse. With a shot in my port she "fixes it." Within two minutes it's gone. Oh well, a price to pay. Will let you know how "running down the hall" works out.


  1. From what you post, seems everything is going well and those miracle pain meds are a blessing when needed. Strange about the taste of metal being a turn off. The body is an amazing, mysterious thing.

    Good luck with the trek today. I am so thankful that you are tubeless and can move about.

    Loving prayers and thoughts are with you, Grace

  2. Look at a week ago and look at today. God has truly created a wonderful body that heals beyond belief. Have a good "run" today. My shoes are ready to go with you when you get home. Love you and I miss you not being here.
