Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another day, another pound! Where the doc put in the feeding tube is getting less sore and each day I have a little more energy. Not a thing smells or tastes good so adding anymore calories is a challenge. Have the feeding tube up to 105 ml per hour with a goal of 120 or 125. That allows me to "get down" a bag of "food" in 14 hours working down to where I'm not tethered but 12. Feels good when I can "unhook." Even tho the "food" is going into my intestine, I still feel like I have something in my stomach. And sometimes it's upset. Well, that wore me out just trying to expain it. I sometimes dream that when I wake up my bag will be empty. Please pray for the soreness to finally go away and that I start being able to get something else down. And pray for additional stength for Lynda. Love you all.


  1. Leighton and Lynda, These requested prayers are already being sent upward and toward Bedford.
    Hang in there, dear friend, though it is fine to feel sad about this whole cancer "mess" and missing the cruise.

    I remember reading some years ago about laughter being one of the best medicines, so Dr. Grace prescribes lots of laughter when your stomach gets more healed and can take it.

    Love, love, love . . . and laughter!

  2. Stay strong in your faith brother. Our God is a mighty God and he hears our prayers. We missed you and Lynda in Hilton Head. Our family came together in a prayer circle for your family. We'll always be there for you both.

  3. And did I mention, you all are part of our family? I sent you an e-mail from Shutterfly with pictures. When ever I look at Annabel I think of you down in the floor playing with her. Good times, Goom memories and more to come.
    Love ya brother.
